Software Development Process

Our SW development process

    Being a small company, we try to minimize any process overhead, which does not directly influence the quality of our product development / service delivery work.

    We follow an internal agile process based on the SCRUM model (

    Nevertheless we are able to integrate in any client's process interface (eg. CMMI or SPICE)

Continuous Integration and Configuration Management

    We are using a continuous integration system, making it easier for developers to integrate changes to the project, and making it easier for users to obtain the newest build. The automated, continuous build increases also the productivity. It allows our customers to get new features more rapidly, to give more rapid feedback on those features, and generally become more collaborative in the development cycle. We use the Hudson software tool for continuous integration, and Visual SVN Server for source control.

Project Management

    External project management integration: we can adapt our project planning and control activities to the customer's own project management framework.

    Internal project management: we are using our own project management framework (Collabtive, and offer to our customer access to the project progress information.

Problem Resolution Management

    By using Trac, the web-based software issue tracking tool ( we make as easy as possible for our users to share information related to the running SW maintenance tasks and release planning.

    Remark: We can also use Bugzilla or any other customer-specific tool for issue tracking.